5S for Mind-Body Rejuvenation (Fruits of Swasthya Yoga)

Swasthya Yoga is a way to Total wellness. It effects on all the dimensions of human personality i.e., Physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual. The fruits of this technique are what we call the “Wellness 5S”. They can be enumerated as follows:

Steady Body: Human body is the means to perform each and every act of human desire. We can keep our body steady through yogic exercises and three steps of Rhythmic breathing.
Still Mind: It helps one to get clarity and success. Three steps of rhythmic breathing and meditation facilitate the achievement of Still Mind.
Silent awareness: Through Meditation, Yoga Nidra and having a Spiritual approach we can enjoy the silent awareness which were enjoyed by the Rishis of the past.
Self Healing: Yogic exercises, three step of Rhythmic breathing, Meditation, Yoga Nidra and food & nutrition will enhance self-healing capacity of the body-mind system.
Serene life: The ultimate aim of the Swasthya yoga is to help the practitioner to achieve serenity in life. Steady body, Still mind, silent awareness and self-healing process will ultimately result in a Serene Life.